Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Humor and Play

I watched videos on artist who like to use their Humor and Playful attitude to depict their art.
It was very eye opening to see how they perceive their own work and how they strive to create their own views.
Here are some of the artists.
Eleanor Antin- A make believe mind in a brilliant artist inventing history in her imagery. Her richest experience is when laughter and humor come together in art.
Raymond Pattibon- With adventure and individuality in his writing and drawing.The artists has a broad span of thinking that's not direct but fluent in anything, with more failure in his work then success.
Elizabeth Murray- With an obsession for drawing and a nak for cartoonistic objects, her art is physical and fluent that is out of control. Harnessing the paint is her objective with the conflict and tension trying to live happily all in the same environment.
Walton Ford- A painter painting the twisted side of Autobahns work Ultimatley he wants to make disturbing and overrod , maxi mast emotions to catch peoples attention.
Jessica Stockholder-An artist that works with the physical world, without a literary story but instead worried about how things look visually.
Ellen Gallagher- An artist posing her own style on past pieces of art. Continuing to look forward on the rest of the world, her style depicts people as how she wants to see them in humor and controversy.
Arturo Herrera- An artist looking for structure with conceptual powers, who's art doesn't come through divine touch but work.
Oliver Herring-A simple artist that shoes his work in a crude way with emotion, monotonous, and repetitive performance. He doesn't care about the medium or object but the process in which his work is being created.

Art 21 was a really good insight on how artist go about making their goals and dreams come true. Elizabeth Murray and Arturo Herrera are my favorite in the aspect that they really created their own style regardless of others thoughts but still taking criticism to mind. Their work was a piece of their individual life and creative mind, and that caught my eye the most.

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